About Me

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I'm a Christ follower, a stay at home mom to 4 kiddos, and wife to a man that I love. I sew and sell girls dresses. Blessings to you. Proverbs 31:24-25 She makes linen garments and sells them. She is clothed with strength and dignity.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Doll Dresses

Sophie's Dresses 

This is Sophie, My daughter's doll.

   #1                                                                          #2                
All the dresses that are in this post is made with scrap fabrics. The pattern for the doll dresses I got from this Blog. Scroll down to find the Katie Dress.
For those of you who don't know me well, I will share a secret with you. I'm a very frugal person and I don't like waste.
When you are a sewer like myself, you tend to buy fabrics and after cutting out your patterns you then wonder...what do I do with the scraps?

The following are just one way I use my scraps.
(note: the #'rd pics are all doll dresses)

                 These are the cherry dresses. I saw this fabric at my local Hancock fabric store
                 and had to get it. For the child's dress I used Simplicity pattern #7189 view B.

Two Christmases ago I made aprons for all the women in my family. 
This dress was made from one of those left over fabrics that I used to make my
 mother in-laws' apron.

                        This past Easter I made my daughter a dress using this pretty fabric.

Simplicity Pattern #6877 using view A+B+F 

 The trim is left over from the Strawberry Shortcake hats I made in a previous post. The dress was left over fabric I used to make my niece a dress this past spring.




                                   A skirt I threw together, scraps from a pillow case dress.

This dress was a custom order for a customer of mine.

A reversible dress (McCall's pattern #6058 view B.


                       Simplicity pattern #4709 view B


Pillowcase dress.                                                                                              



The doll's dress is the reversible side to the child's dress. 

                                      The floral fabric was left over from a pillowcase dress.

I hope you enjoyed this post, although it was quite long. I hope you were inspired to use up those scraps you may have laying around or tucked in a bin somewhere. Or even better....you will see your fabrics in a whole new light and cut with care.

Happy sewing!!

        Note: visit me on Facebook The Purple Boutique to view the dresses I have for sale.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Fabric Bookmarks


  I came across this blog (www.littlebirdiesecrets.blogspot.com) on how to make Fabric Bookmarks, and wanted to give it a try. So here we go.                                                                            

 I had some scrap fabric left over and wanted to use them in a later project. This is the perfect one to use them in. My colors are Purple, Pink, Yellow, and Blue. These will be the flowers.

 These are my book mark fabrics. I've always thought that black and white goes well with any color.

 Here are some other things that you will need
1- Fabric for flowers
2- Fabric for bookmarks
3- Interfacing (I used light, but will use a heavier one next time)
4- Embellishments(buttons, brads, jewels, etc.)
5- Fabric glue
6- Scissors
7- Dowel to push those corners out
8- My (Wonder tool) it has a hook on the end to turn things inside out.

Cut fabric to 8"x4".

                          Cut interfacing just a little smaller in height and width than the fabric.

Iron interfacing to the wrong side of the fabric.

Fold in half long ways, with right sides facing each other. Sew form one end and down the side, leaving an opening to turn inside out.

Use your "Wonder Tool" to pull it right side out.

This is what you should end up with.
Now tuck in the open end and sew shut going all the way around (this is called top stitching)

Now cut your flower strips, about 1 1/2 to 2" wide and 0ver 20" long. (the longer your strip, the bigger the flower)

                             Tie a knot in the end of your strip and turn and glue as you go.

 I use a circle of hot glue, and then in the center I put another circle of fabric glue (for safe keeping).
Then stick flower to your bookmark and hold for a few seconds so it all stays.

Ta Da! you are done. Enjoy!!
Blessings you you.
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